星期一, 六月 12, 2006




5. Inclusive minutes apply to calls made in the UK to standard rate UK fixed lines, UK network mobiles (excluding from July 1, 2006, 07744 and 07755 numbers which will be charged at 25p a minute) and voicemail 901. On Online 200, 400 and 500 tariffs, voicemail access and retrieval is free and not decremented as part of your inclusive minutes.


9. Inclusive call minutes can be used to call some non-geographical and special services numbers with the following prefixes: 0800, 0808, 0844, 0845 and 0870. Once the inclusive minute allowance has been used up, calls to these numbers will be charged as calls to standard UK landlines at the prevailing tariff. Some exceptions may apply and calls to some numbers may be free of charge.
10. Inclusive minutes cannot be used to call numbers with the 0871 prefix. These calls will be charged at 35p per minute at all times. Calls to Customer Care on 0870 600 3009 are charged at the national rate. Hours of opening 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday.


5.免费时间可以在英国国内用来拨打英国固定电话、移动电话(不包括:从 2006年7月1日起拨打 07744 和 07755 号码会被收取25p每分钟 )和语音信箱 901.Online 200, 400 and 500 服务的语音信箱是完全免费的
9.免费时间可以用来拨打0800, 0808, 0844, 0845 and 0870 开头的号码。如果免费时间用完了,就会被收取拨打固定电话的费率,但是有些特殊号码仍然是免费的。
10.免费时间不能用于0871开头的号码。拨打这些号码会被收取35p每分钟。拨打Customer Care 0870 600 3009 收国内费率。服务时间是每周一到周五8.am到9pm , 周六和周日8.am 到8pm 。

总之目前来看0844 和 0870 的号码仍然是可以在免费时段放心使用的……但是网上曾经见到过的077开头的那个号码在七月一号之后就不能再用了。
上个月用的一直是0844 552 4197的号码,帐单正常,就是1000分钟的免费时间并没有用完……亏了:P

星期五, 六月 02, 2006

Crazy-Gnarls Barkley



